Thursday, December 30, 2010

Limbu Blogs and Websites

This blog post contains a comprehensive list of blogs and websites related to Limbu literature, culture, and society through out the world. Internet sites that are related to Limbu people are also included. If there is any other site that you feel should be added here, please email me the site's URL or post in a comment box. I will update the post as soon as possible. 

Limbu Blogs and Websites
Related Websites

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

न्यु मेक्सिकोमा बडा दशैँ २०६७ कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न

न्यु मेक्सिको - अमेरिकाको दक्षिण-पश्चिम भेगमा अवस्थित न्यु मेक्सिको राज्यमा पर्ने सानो शहर लास क्रुसेसमा नेपालीहरुले बडा दशैँको अवसरमा शनिबार रमाइलो संस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम आयोजना गरेको छ| नेपाली स्टुडेन्ट एसोसिएसन न्यु मेक्सिको स्टेट युनिवेर्सिटी (नेसा) द्वारा आयोजित उक्त कार्यक्रममा लास क्रुसेस तथा एल पासो, टेक्सास निवासी सम्पूर्ण नेपालीहरु सहभागी भई मातृभूमिबाट टाडा रहनु परेपनि शुभकामना आदान प्रदान गर्दै दशैंको मनोरंजन लिएका थिए| उक्त कार्यक्रमको सुरुवात नेपाली राष्ट्रियगानबाट भई संस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम हुदै खुल्ला नृत्यमा आएर अन्त्य भएको थियो| कलाकारहरु कृतिका सुबेदी, प्रमिला सुबेदी, मेनका कार्की, अनिल केसी, देश राज संयोकद्वारा एकल तथा युगल नेपाली नृत्यहरु प्रस्तुत भएको थियो| त्यसैगरी, सुजन भण्डारी र मेनका कार्कीद्वारा नेपाली गीत प्रस्तुत भएको थियो भने सन्तोष दुलालको गीत तथा मुक्तकले सबैलाई हर्षित बनेको थियो| उक्त साझ नेपाल तथा नेपाली सस्कृतिलाई माया गर्ने बिदेशीहरुको समेत सहभागिता रहेको थियो| नेसाका अध्यक्ष्य श्याम कट्टेलले सम्पूर्ण सहभागिहरुलाई स्वागत गर्नुका साथै दशैको सुभकामना दिनुभएको थियो भने दिपक बश्याल तथा गीता बस्ताकोटीले कार्यक्रम संचालन गर्नु भएको थियो|

फोटो: विजया दशमी २०६७

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Predicting Radio-Broadcasting Viewshed for Sierra County, New Mexico

Radio-broadcasting viewshed for Sierra County, New Mexico was predicted using Arc-GIS model. The study utilized digital elevation data, location of radio towers, and their height to produce viewshed map with acceptable results without spending large monetary cost. The final color-coded viewshed map predicts areas that can receive radio broadcasts and those don’t.

This viewshed project was carried out to fulfill the requirements of project work for GEOG 487 GIS Practicum at New Mexico State University.  

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Politics: Service or Profession?

Politics is a mere service, not a profession. Political service comes from dedication and willingness to serve society and nation. It should not be made a primary source of living. When politics becomes profession, we no longer have true politician--leader, and the nation plunge into misery.

Definitely leaders can't do it as a part time. For this reason, state should provide remuneration for their livelihood. However, leadership is not a position like professional services; it is not a tenure track job either. It is a commitment and state of mind to serve people. When politicians have no profession other then the politics, they have no other choices than to stay forever in the office by hook or crook. And, problems start from here—SATTA politics (सत्ता राजनीति), corruption, nepotism, favoritism, etc. This is a major problem of Nepal and other developing countries.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Second International Conference on "Nepal’s Development and Nepalese Scholarship"

Press Release:

Nepalese Student Association (NeSA) at New Mexico State University organized one day symposium entitled “Second International Conference on Nepal’s Development and Nepalese Scholarship” on Saturday, March 20, 2010. It was the second continuing effort of NesA to organize such an exciting event in its history. The symposium was open for all participants from around the world. Dr. Gyan Nepaune, an assistant Professor from Arizona State University delivered a keynote speech focusing on different aspects of Tourism in Nepal. Nepalese Scholars from University of New Mexico at Albuquerque and from University of Texas at El Paso were also invited to give invited talk on different issues such as Education system, Health, Geology and so on. Also the symposium had significant number of contributed presentations from New Mexico State University. Altogether there were about 15 different research based presentations (posters and talk) on different important issues related to Nepal and abroad and about 80 participant from different part of U. S. A. NeSA is a chartered organization at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA. Mr. Binod Gurung, director of Academic and research subcommittee, coordinated the symposium. Currently Mr. Shyam Kattel serves as President of Nepalese Student Association and Dr. Ram Acharya, Assistant professor at New Mexico State University is advisor of the association. The symposium was co-sponsored by Associated Students of New Mexico State University (ASNMSU).

Friday, March 12, 2010

Outstanding Books In Geotechnical Engineering

A short list of outstanding books in geotechnical engineering (listed in alphabetical order) :

An Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering
by Robert D. Holtz, William D. Kovacs ISBN: 0134843940
Design of Small Dams
Water Resources Technical Publication Series S/N 024-003-00164-3
Elastic Solutions for Soil and Rock Mechanics
Author: Harry G. Poulos ISBN: 0471695653 Hardcover: 424 pages Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Inc
Foundation Analysis and Design
Author: Joseph E. Bowles ISBN: 0079122477 Hardcover: 1024 pages Publisher: McGraw-Hill 5 edition
Foundation Design: Principles and Practices
by Donald P. Coduto ISBN: 0133353818
Foundation Engineering
by Ralph Brazelton Peck, Thomas H. Thornburn , Walter E.Hanson ISBN: 0471675857
Fundamentals of Soil Behavior
3nd Edition" by James K. Mitchell ISBN: 0471463027
Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
by Steven L. Kramer ISBN: 0133749436
Geotechnical Engineering: Principles and Practices
by Donald P. Coduto ISBN:
Geology for Engineers and Environmental Scientists
by Alan E. Kehew ISBN: 0133035387
Introduction to Rock Mechanics
by Richard E. Goodman ISBN: 0471812005
Pile Foundations in Engineering Practice
by Shamsher Prakash and Hari Sharma ISBN: 0471616532
Piling Engineering
2nd Edition by W.G.K Fleming, A.J. Weltman, M.E. Randolph, M. F. Randolph, W. K. Elson ISBN: 0470218258
Soil Mechanics
by T. William Lambe, Robert V. Whitman ISBN: 0471511927
Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice
by Karl Terzaghi, Ralph B. Peck , Gholamreza Mesri ISBN: 0471086584
The Engineering of Foundations
Resources associated with "The Engineering of Foundations" by Rodrigo Salgado
Tunnel Engineering Handbook
by John O. Bickel, Thomas R. Kuesel, Elwyn H. King ISBN: 0412992914

Useful Links

Academic and Research Institutes:

Environment/Climate Change:
Most of the sites listed in this section have different opinion than the main stream scientists.
I think it will be interesting and worth to read untold scientific facts and findings.

Free Online Resources:

Civil and Geological Engineering

Everything about Nepal:

Literature and Language

Research/Professional Organizations
Professional Organizations:

Science News:



Sunday, March 7, 2010

International Conference on Nepal’s Development and Nepalese Scholarship

Call for Presentation Proposals

Local Issues and Global Perspectives: Nepalese Scholarship and Global Participation on National and Professional Conversations.

We invite you to submit presentation proposal to the Second International Conference on Nepal’s Development and Nepalese Scholarship organized by Nepalese Students’ Association (NeSA) at New Mexico State University (NMSU). This conference will focus on two major areas: 1) current and emerging aspects of socioeconomic, political, and cultural development issues, challenges, opportunities, and strategies for the reconstruction of Nepal; and 2) inter-disciplinary academic and professional engagement among the Nepalese and non-Nepalese scholars.

In these times when Nepal is experiencing a series of critical socio-economic, cultural, and political transitions, this conference envisions offering theoretical, practical, and strategic discussions and future directions in these areas by drawing collective intellectual efforts from the Nepalese and non-Nepalese scholars, citizens, and communities from around the world.

This will be our interdisciplinary and collective engagement to understand current and emerging pressing issues and challenges and explore viable opportunities in post-conflict Nepal and Nepalese reconstruction era in context of today’s 21st century globalized world. Our endeavor to create a common platform to analyze national and international issues of Nepal, we prospect can be a milestone to begin serious discussions and transform some of the Nepal’s burning issues including health, education, poverty, human rights and conflicts, science and technology, economy and commerce, development infrastructures, politics, governance, environment, art, language, and culture. We hope to bring varying perspectives from multiple disciplines in order to develop a critically comprehensive understanding of various multi-faceted issues and then offer specific development strategies and national debate agenda for resolving those issues about Nepal and its current fluidity of transition.

We acknowledge and affirm that for any country to prosper, a collective understanding of the issues and challenges is crucial and thusly formulation of development strategies and national debate agenda for Nepal fundamentally lies in the common, participatory unified efforts of all Nepalese people. Additionally, a unique opportunity via this conference of having cross-dialogues with non-Nepalese scholars, we hope, will open up new opportunities to strengthen our understanding of contemporary issues and subsequently enhance our capacity to develop better strategies and agenda. We hope this will benefit policymakers, administrators, educators, political leaders, professionals, and everyday people of Nepal as it invites people from all walks of life to engage in critical-creative-conversation (CCC) in Nepal’s national and international issues that are long overdue.

Speaking of the current transitioning Nepal, it has to be understood that within our unified strength of geo-political, cultural, and ethnic diversity, each component of the diversity has to offer unique contribution to the development/reconstruction of Nepal. Also, it has to be addressed how the recent development of decentralized power and economy of the nation and self-governance of the Nepalese people can be envisioned as major shaping forces of future of Nepal and Nepalese people.

Finally, since our organization, NeSA at NMSU consists of aspiring future scholars, leaders, scientists, engineers, educators, and professionals, the symposium also offers a venue for them to share their field-expertise and (co)develop scope-specific and multi-disciplinary knowledge-bases and best practice convergences. The participants, thus, are invited to submit their presentation proposal in any of these two Symposium events.

Welcome to this one-day international conference!

Monday, February 1, 2010

HP Notebook: Shutdown and/or Restart Real Slow

Hi guys! I am sharing my recent experience on shutdown/ restart issue in my notebook. I have HP Pavilion Dv6130us with Window XP operating system. Problem started two weeks ago. I was unable to shutdown or restart normally after using 30 minutes or more. Shutdown worked but it was too slow. The problem was really annoying. Longer the notebook I use, more time needed to shut it down. If the machine was turned on for an hour or more, it could take 30 minute to an hour or more to shutdown. I googled and tried several options but was unable to resolve the issue. I finally, chat with a guy from HP Chat SupportTeam. He recommended an easy to follow troubleshooting steps. I just completed the steps and boom, notebook working smoothly…wow

Here are the Steps to resolve the issue:


Step-1: Power Drain.

Step-2: BIOS default.

Step-3: Please install the BIOS in the notebook.

Step-4: Reinstall power management.

Step-1: Power Drain:

Here are the steps to perform Power Drain:

1. Shut down the notebook.

2. Then unplug the AC adaptor and disconnect all the external devices connected to the notebook.

3. Turn the notebook upside down and remove battery from the notebook.

4. Then press and hold the power button for 60 seconds.

5. Then plug in AC adaptor and turn on the notebook (without battery).

6. Then shut down the notebook and plug in the battery (without AC Adaptor) and try to turn the notebook on.

7. Then shut down the notebook and plug in the battery and connect the battery and try to turn the notebook on.

Step-2: BIOS default:

1. Turn off the laptop.

2. Then press the power button to turn the notebook on and while turning on thelaptop keep taping F10 key.

3. If you see any popup windowselect NO (by right arrow key) and hit enter (skip the step if not necessary).

4. Then press F9 key. In the popup window select 'YES' and hit enter (Do you want to load defaultsettings).

5. Then press F10 key. In the pop up window select 'YES' and hit enter (To save changes and exit).

6. System restarts.

Step-3: Please install the BIOS in the notebook:

Here is an HP web link, from where you will be able to download theBIOS for your notebook: (Note:You need to install appropriate BIOS for your own notebook model)

Step-4: Reinstall power management:

1. Click on Start and then Run.

2. Type the command "devmgmt.msc" in the Open: text box and thenhit the Enter key or click on the OK button.

3. Device Manager should display right away.


1. Click "Start", right-click on "My Computer" andclick on "Properties".

2. Click the "Hardware tab", and then click "DeviceManager".

3. Device Manager should display right away.

4. Click the plus (+) sign next to System Devices.

5. Right-click the ACPI Fixed Features button and go to driver tab select Uninstall.

Restart the system.On restarting the system, Windows will automatically detect and install Power Management on the computer.

I hope, this troubleshooting would be useful for you guys
