
Saturday, March 24, 2012

NeSA Hosts Fourth International Conference at NMSU:Speakers Share Insight for Betterment of Nepal

By Santosh Dulal, PhD Candidate, Microbiology Program, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, USA

The Nepalese Student Association of New Mexico State University (NeSA-NMSU) recently held its fourth annual international conference entitled Global Expertise & Commitment for a Prosperous Nepal; held on March 17th, 2012, at NMSU, Las Cruces, NM, USA. The conference was focused on the opportunities and challenges associated with academia and professionals that contribute to the transformation of Nepal. The conference also aimed to provide a venue for the formation and continuation of collaborative work between universities in the States and foreign academic institutions. This year’s academic director Mr. Santosh Dulal coordinated the conference. 
The conference was divided into two sessions—morning and afternoon, with an intermediate poster session. Eighteen oral presentations and four posters were presented in the conference encompassing research and study from six universities: New Mexico State University, University of Texas at El Paso, University of New Mexico, Texas Tech University, University of Arizona, and Arizona State University. The conference was kicked off with welcome speeches made by NeSA advisor/associate professor Dr. Ram Acharya and NeSA President Mr. Bishnu H. Dhakal. Guests were then given complimentary conference t-shirts as a token of appreciation.
The first session of oral presentations was focused on interdisciplinary and core subjects. Presenters and respective titles included: Mr. Eshan Dahal - Excited-State Lifetime of Quantum Dots by Flow Cytometry; Mr. Dhan Rana - An Observation of a Body in the Formalism of Aristotle, Newton and Einstein; Mr. Disoj Neupane - Morphological Dependence in the Spatial Orientation of Nearby Local Super-Cluster Galaxies; Mr. Anil KC - Design of a Governor and a Voltage Regulator for Laboratory Generator; Ms. Malati Chaudhary - Short Circuit Analysis of Type II Induction Generator and Wind Farm; Mr. Om P. Dahal -Preliminary Work to Classify the Disturbance Events Recorded by Phasor Measurement Units; Mr. Jesus A. Cuaron - Mechanisms Involved in the Response and Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus to Antiseptic Biocides; Ms. Anita Thapalia - Assessment of Corrosion Potential of Coarse Backfill Aggregates for Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls.
Following the poster session, special guests, Mr. Lujendra Ojha and Mr. Kalyan Gurung along with keynote speaker Dr. Netra Chhetri were invited for talks during the second session. Mr. Ojha from the department of planetary sciences of the University of Arizona is an undergraduate prodigy who found himself as a co-author in the prestigious journal of Science. His work suggests that there is liquid water during warmer seasons on Mars. Mr. Ojha has subsequently become very popular among the scientific and Nepalese communities alike. His awe-inspiring presentation for the conference was entitled: Recurring Slope Lineae on Mars: Seasonal Flow on Warm Martian Slopes. Mr. Gurung is the former President of the Nepal Students’ Union and he has been continuously involved in Nepalese politics as a youth leader. He shared his experiences concerning the issues and challenges associated with federalism in Nepal. Keynote speaker Dr. Netra Chhetri is an assistant professor in the school of geographical sciences and urban planning and consortium for science policy and outcomes at Arizona State University. He presented his in depth research on climate change, its consequences, and coping strategies in Nepal.
Overall, the second session of oral presentations focused on Nepalese Diaspora knowledge networking (topics ranged from agriculture, biotechnology, climate, economics, education, health, and professional prospects). Ms. Menuka Karki gave a review and analysis of the current situation of female reproductive cancers in Nepal. A discussion was made on the prevention of epidemic cancers and strategies to strengthen capacity, allocate resources, and involve communities to fight breast and gynecologic cancers. Mr. Krishana Gyanwali touched upon the primary educational status of government schools and their inaccessibility to many Nepalese children. Mr. Dadhi Adhikari provided an analysis of farm productivity between farmers who receive and do not receive extension services. Mr. Santosh Dulal, international coordinator of Biotechnology Society of Nepal (BSN) revealed the urgency and benefits associated with the integration of biotechnology into Nepal. The organization of BSN is committed to educate, create national and international collaborations, and organize public awareness events for the promotion of biotechnology in Nepal. Specifically, he discussed the potential of biotechnology to alleviate hunger, diminish poverty, and improve overall health conditions, all of which are focal points in the revitalization of Nepal. Mr. Ramesh Pokharel’s presentation focused on rhetorical analysis of the construction of indigenity, and the problems that have resulted in Nepal. This was followed up with a discussion on possible solutions to these ongoing dilemmas. Mr. Desh Raj Sonyok gave a riveting talk on the diaspora investment opportunities and challenges associated with transport infrastructure in Nepal. Assistant professor Dr. Anup Amatya from the department of health sciences at NMSU shared his professional experiences concerning the journey of graduate school and post-graduation strategies.
The program was concluded with a brief vote of thanks by program director Santosh Dulal. NeSA advisor Dr. Anup Amatya gave concluding statements. In summary, the conference revolved around the opportunities and obstacles associated with academic and professional life in a foreign land and exploration of way to get and involved in development process of Nepal. Furthermore, the outcomes of such endeavors and hard work need to be integrated and fine-tuned so that novel strategies can be implemented for the development of Nepal. It was in high hopes that the conference provided insight and motivation towards our ultimate goal of a better Nepal. 

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