
Monday, February 20, 2012

Fourth Int’l Conference on Global Expertise & Commitment for a Prosperous Nepal

Invitation and Conference Aims
The Nepalese Student Association (NeSA-NMSU) invites you to participate in the 4th international conference entitled “Global Expertise & Commitment for a Prosperous Nepal.” Authors are highly encouraged to submit abstracts from different backgrounds and expertise gained abroad. Specifically, we welcome authors to submit topics that address challenges and outcomes associated with academia and professional life that contribute to the further advancement of Nepal.
More than ever, we are immersed in an array of professional and academic fields throughout the world. Our diverse and dynamic backgrounds and expertise play an essential role in the revitalization of our motherland. Our aims extend to incorporate foreign ideas, infrastructure, culture, and philosophy into our homeland, so that Nepal may emerge as a forerunner in technology and influence. Thus, it is vital that we strive to involve our foreign co-workers, friends, peers, and mentors in contributing to our cause. Additionally, the conference will focus on overcoming obstacles associated with academic and professional life for the purpose of achieving success. Collectively, we would like to mold our endeavors into novel strategies that can be implemented for the development and betterment of Nepal. We hope that this conference will enlighten us, so that we may be continually reminded that we are all in a position to make a positive impact in Nepal.

Oral presentations and posters may include the following subject areas and additionally may encompass related and/or overarching disciplines
  • Economic development and infrastructures (electricity, transportation, communication, irrigation, etc.)
  • Health, education, literacy, and population sector
  • Science, engineering, and technology
  • Development of information and communication technologies
  • Socio-political and cultural transformation
  • Diaspora knowledge network (foreign employment, brain drain, and immigration)
Important Dates
  • Abstract submission deadline: March 4, 2012
  • Notification to author(s)/presenter(s): March 9, 2012
  • Conference date: March 17, 2012 (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)
New Mexico State University, O’Donnell Hall Room # 111, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA

Submission Guidelines
Proposal contents: Extended abstract maximum word limit is 1000 words (including title, authors, affiliations, references, etc.). However, a presenter can extend his or her abstract if requested to the academic director.

         Abstract Guidelines:
  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Title: Bold, size 14
  • Affiliations: Italic, size 10
  • Abstract Text (Body): size 12
  • Keywords: 3 – 5 words (to appear after abstract text), italic, size 12
Note: Please italicize and underline where appropriate (e.g. italicize species’ name)
  • Review process: A two-member review panel will review all submitted abstracts.
  • Proposal acceptance and rejection: Based on the decision of the review panel, NeSA’s Research and Academic subcommittee reserves the right to accept or reject abstracts.
  • Registration fee: No registration fee will be required. Donations for the conference are always welcome.
  • Audio-visual equipments: AV equipment for PowerPoint presentations will be provided. Any other equipment or arrangement requests must be made at the time of proposal submission.
  • Submission: Abstracts will be sent to as an attached word document (.doc). Authors interested to submit papers are advised to visit this link for the preparation of presentation:
Click here for online abstract submission and conference location.
Google map (conference location)

Lunch & beverages
Refreshments will be provided by NeSA-NMSU.

Nepalese Student Association,
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM , USA

Further questions and inquires
Santosh Dulal
Conference Coordinator/Director
Academic Director, Nepalese Student Association (NeSA)
Ph.D. Scholar
Biology Department
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM, 88001, USA
Email: (replace AT with @ sign)

Click here to download pdf version

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