
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

NeSA Announces Its Sixth Annual International Conference

International Conference on “National Development: Opportunities and Challenges for the Diaspora

Nepalese Student Association, New Mexico State University (NMSU) invites you to participate in the 6th international conference entitled “National Development: Opportunities and Challenges for the Diaspora”.  Authors are invited to submit abstracts from different backgrounds and expertise that pertain to cultural and socio-political dimension of diaspora, identification of diaspora resources, its challenges and opportunities at the crossroads of interest between home and host countries.together scholars, educators and practitioners from different disciplines and professional fields, and other stakeholders in order to identify the better ways to engage, enable and empower the diasporas communities as development partners for both homeland and host country.


Oral presentations and posters may include but not limited to the following topics of interest:
  • Diaspora, diversity and inclusion-- its engagement for the development
  • Economic development and infrastructures (electricity, transportation, information and communication, irrigation, etc.)
  • Health, education, literacy, and population sector
  • Science, engineering, and technology
  • Development of information and communication technologies
  • Socio-political and cultural transformation
  • Foreign employment, brain drain, and immigration (international migration)

Important Dates

  • Proposal submission deadline: March 5, 2014
  • Notification to author(s)/presenter(s): March 15, 2014
  • Conference date: March 22, 2014 (9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)
  • Proceedings Submission Deadline: TBA
  • Proceedings Publication Date: TBA

Symposium's Format

The conference will be held on one day (March 22nd, 2014) and will be divided into three session. All oral presentations will be allotted 20 minutes for presentation, which includes about 5 minutes for questions and answers. Poster presenters should stand by their poster the entire length of the Conference Session II (12:00 – 1:00).
Symposium Event I: 9:00-12:00 - Interdisciplinary Core Subjects 

Symposium Event II: 12:00-1:00 - Lunch with accompanying roundtable talk and poster presentations
Symposium Event III: 1:00-5:00 - Keynote Speaker Dr. Ambika P Adhikari's talk and other talks on the topic resonating with the title of the conference.
Main categories for Conference Session I and II:
Interdisciplinary academic and professional disciplines: economics & business management, education, engineering, health & sports, history, information communication technologies, law, science, etc. Posters may cover any of the subject matters found under the topics heading, additionally poster presentations will be held during session II.
Main categories for Conference Sessions III:
Nepalese Diaspora, foreign trials and opportunities: knowledge networking, emerging aspects of cultural developmental issues, political, socioeconomic, and strategies for motherland revitalization.

Submission Guidelines

Proposal Contents: Extended abstract maximum word limit is 1000 words (including title, authors, affiliations, references, etc.). However, a presenter can extend his or her abstract if requested from the NeSA academic committee director.
Abstract Guidelines:
Font: Times New Roman
Title: Bold, size: 14
Affiliations: Italic,size 10
Abstract Text (Body): size 12
Keywords: 3 – 5 words (to appear after abstract text), italic, size 12
Note: Please italicize and underline where appropriate (e.g. italicize species’ name)
Review Process: A three-member review panel will review all submitted abstracts.

Proposal Acceptance and Rejection: Based on the decision of the review panel, NeSA’s Research and Academic subcommittee reserves the right to accept or reject abstracts.

Registration Fee: No registration fee will be required. Donations for the conference are always welcome.

Audio-Visual Equipment:AV equipment for PowerPoint presentations will be provided. Any other equipment or arrangement requests must be made at the time of proposal submission.

Submission: Abstracts will be sent to as an attached word document (.doc). Authors interested to submit papers are advised to visit this link for the preparation of presentation:

Lunch and Beverages

Refreshments will be provided by NeSA-NMSU.

Nepalese Students’ Association
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
NeSA Blog
Tweet us at hashtag #6thnesaconf

Organizing Committee

Deepak Basyal
Deepak Subedi
Desh Raj Sonyok
Lekha Adhikari
Lokendra Paudel
Pradip Raj Aryal

Further Questions and Inquires

Conference Coordinator: Deepak Basyal 

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