
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Nepalese Student Elected for Graduate Student Senate

Las Cruces, NM - Deepak Basyal has been elected as a graduate senator of the Student Government of New Mexico State University (NMSU) of the United States. He is a first ever Nepali student to be elected in such a prestigious position. The result of one week long online voting election was declared on Saturday morning. Mr. Basyal hails from Arunkhola, Nawalparasi, Nepal. He came to the United States on study visa in August 2008 and is currently a PhD candidate in mathematical sciences.

He will serve as a graduate senator of Associated Students of NMSU for the term of 2014-2015. As a senator he will be a voice for all national and international graduate students of NMSU. Basyal will be involved in various committees and subcommittees and responsible for drafting and passing legislation pertaining to research related funding for student and changes to the law book. ASNMSU is one of the biggest student government of United States with total yearly budget of 1.3 million dollars. Mr. Basyal after his victory told us that “his presence in the senate will make funding process easier and faster to Nepalese and all other international students.

Basyal has been actively involved in social and political organizations in various capacities. He served as a president of Nepalese Mathematics Students Association (NeMSA) in 2004 while he was in Nepal. He was a president of Mathematics Graduate Student Organization of NMSU for 2010-2011.  Basyal is one of the founder member and current vice-president of Association of Nepalese Mathematicians in America (ANMA). He was instrumental on receiving free graphing calculators for Nepal donated by Texas Instrument in 2011. The graphing calculators were distributed in Kathmandu and Chitwan accompanied by related training program.   

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