
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Beginner Weight Training: Three Day Split Workout

  • Training Level: Beginner to Intermediate
  • Main Goal: Loose weight and build muscle
  • Days Per Week: 3 days
  • Workout Type: Split set
  • Muscle Movement: Push, Pull, and Other
I am posting this blog post in response to request from my family and friends for weight training tips/guidelines. I hope this beginner to intermediate level workout program will be useful to individuals interested in loosing weight/body fat and building muscle. This is a classic 3 days a week split workout program. Workout is divided into three days according to major muscle movement. For example, Day 1 is assigned for PUSH type of exercise (chest and triceps), Day 2 is for PULL type (back and biceps), and Day 3 is for OTHERS type (leg and shoulder). Everyday, we workout for one major muscle group and one minor muscle group. For example, for Day1, chest is a major muscle group and triceps is a minor muscle group. It is recommended that you train every alternate day; do not workout everyday. 

Always warm up for at least 5-10 minutes on your favorite piece of cardio equipment and do nice stretching before you lift weights. This will increase your core temperature and flexibility and help reduce injury. For muscle mass and definition, choose weight which you can lift 8 to 12 times. If you are interested on loosing weight then choose weight which you can lift 10 to 15 times. Adjust the repetition by choosing proper weight (increase/decrease). Perform 20 minutes cardio at the end of weight training. This 20 minutes cardio is optional to those interested on gaining muscle. In order to loose weight/body fat perform 45-60 minutes of cardio on every alternate day (Off day).  Cardio may include running, biking, treadmill, stationary bike, elliptical, strider or any activities of your interest.  I recommend either running or full-body workout (pull-push-leg) in "true strider".

A sample workout program is given below:

Monday: Chest and Triceps (PUSH type): Day 1

1 (warm up), 3 (working sets)
8, 12, 10, 8 Or 15,12,10
12, 10, 8 Or 15,12,10
12, 10, 8 Or 15,12,10
Lying Triceps Extension (Skullcrusher)
12, 10, 8 Or 15,12,10
12, 10, 8 Or 15,12,10

Tuesday: Day Off (no weight training)
In order to loose weight/body fat perform 45-60 minutes of cardio vascular training of your interest.

Wednesday: Back and Biceps (PULL type): Day 2

12, 10, 8, 8 Or 15,12,10
12, 10, 8 Or 15,12,10
12, 10, 8 Or 15,12,10
12, 10, 8 Or 15,12,10
12, 10, 8 Or 15,12,10

Thursday: Day Off  (no weight training)
In order to loose weight/body fat perform 45-60 minutes of cardio vascular training of your interest.

Friday: Legs and Shoulders (OTHER type): Day 3

1 (free weight), 3
15, 12, 10, 10 Or 15,12,10
12, 10, 10 Or 15,12,10
12, 10, 10 Or 15,12,10
Military Press (Barbell Shoulder Press)
12, 10, 8 Or 15,12,10
12, 10, 8 Or 15,12,10
12, 10, 8 Or 15,12,10

Note: Perform abdominal (core) workout either on weight training day or cardio day (day off). Try three different types of abdominal exercise with 6-9 total sets.

Saturday: Day Off  (no weight training)
In order to loose weight/body fat perform 45-60 minutes of cardio vascular training of your interest.

Saturday: REST

Key Points:
  • This is a classic 3 days a week workout program (Day 1 - Day Off -  Day 2 - Day Off - Day 3 - Day Off ). You can change days according to your schedule. 
  • Always warm up for at least 5-10 minutes on your favorite piece of cardio equipment and do nice stretching before you lift weights.
  • For muscle mass and definition, choose weight which you can lift 8 to 12 times and for fat loss lift 10 to 15 times for each set.
  •          Focus on form. Visit YouTube or for proper form. 
  • Finish your weight training within 45 minutes. Then perform 20 minutes cardio at the end of weight training. 
  • Perform 45-60 minutes of cardio on every alternate day (Off day).
  • Most importantly, CHANGE YOUR EATING HABIT. Eat small meal through out the day, at least 5-6 meals per day. This will help keep your metabolism elevated through out the day. Eat high protein food/protein supplement and vegetables; avoid eating excess carbohydrate and fat. 


  1. Absolutely increase the program for a frequent core workout to change way up ones program. Transform demands transform and also this can be a well rounded software with the core.
