
Monday, February 6, 2012

Blogger Font Size: Normal Size is too Small and Large is too Big

If you are using Blogger and realize that the font size is either too small for "Normal Size" and too big for "Large Size" or your new Blogger post in different font size than old post, then you can try following option to fix the text size, default font type, and color:
  1. Log into your blog's dashboard
  2. Go to the Template Designer (Template > Customize)
  3. Choose Advanced and click on Page
  4. Adjust the default font type, text size (in pixel), background color of the post, and the text color. 
  5. Click on Apply to Blog to save the setting. 

Note: You have to choose the text size in pixel. The effect of the change can be seen lower half of the dashboard.

I hope this helps you to fix the font size problem in your blog post!


  1. I was having that problem and your post helped me fix it. Thanks!

  2. Oh thank goodness! This fixed mine too, I was getting so stressed and annoyed at it thinking that blogger had changed the sizes and things since my last post :)
    Thank you for this handy help!

  3. I tried this all pages are fine except this page:
    the font size on the bottom is smaller then the rest i edited html coding still it won't fix any suggestions?

  4. I'm having problems with my default font changing from, what I selected: Georgia and normal (or medium) to Times New Roman and small. Although I followed the above directions, it still gets small. The settings I desire do register in advanced settings, but they don't take effect in the body text of the blog. I just started having the font-not-following-my-selected-default probem.


    2. I just created a blog, and my first (and only post) is suffering from this issue. It's maddening.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thank you!!!!!! It worked!!

  7. Thank you so much for very informative post.I published my four articles on my blog and I did not get sleep for 15 days. I will try to follow your instructions and hope to get better view of my blog. Thank you once again.

  8. Thank you so much!!!! I have been trying to fix my font for years and this simple direction fixed it in a minute.

  9. Thank you sir for this Great information. But you didn't post any font family that's a urgent need to everyone. So, if anyone need fonts then see this Top Free Fonts.

  10. How can I get a good solution. My blog effected by the small font-size issue. How can I fix it. I've tried many ways but unsuccessful.

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