
Sunday, March 7, 2010

International Conference on Nepal’s Development and Nepalese Scholarship

Call for Presentation Proposals

Local Issues and Global Perspectives: Nepalese Scholarship and Global Participation on National and Professional Conversations.

We invite you to submit presentation proposal to the Second International Conference on Nepal’s Development and Nepalese Scholarship organized by Nepalese Students’ Association (NeSA) at New Mexico State University (NMSU). This conference will focus on two major areas: 1) current and emerging aspects of socioeconomic, political, and cultural development issues, challenges, opportunities, and strategies for the reconstruction of Nepal; and 2) inter-disciplinary academic and professional engagement among the Nepalese and non-Nepalese scholars.

In these times when Nepal is experiencing a series of critical socio-economic, cultural, and political transitions, this conference envisions offering theoretical, practical, and strategic discussions and future directions in these areas by drawing collective intellectual efforts from the Nepalese and non-Nepalese scholars, citizens, and communities from around the world.

This will be our interdisciplinary and collective engagement to understand current and emerging pressing issues and challenges and explore viable opportunities in post-conflict Nepal and Nepalese reconstruction era in context of today’s 21st century globalized world. Our endeavor to create a common platform to analyze national and international issues of Nepal, we prospect can be a milestone to begin serious discussions and transform some of the Nepal’s burning issues including health, education, poverty, human rights and conflicts, science and technology, economy and commerce, development infrastructures, politics, governance, environment, art, language, and culture. We hope to bring varying perspectives from multiple disciplines in order to develop a critically comprehensive understanding of various multi-faceted issues and then offer specific development strategies and national debate agenda for resolving those issues about Nepal and its current fluidity of transition.

We acknowledge and affirm that for any country to prosper, a collective understanding of the issues and challenges is crucial and thusly formulation of development strategies and national debate agenda for Nepal fundamentally lies in the common, participatory unified efforts of all Nepalese people. Additionally, a unique opportunity via this conference of having cross-dialogues with non-Nepalese scholars, we hope, will open up new opportunities to strengthen our understanding of contemporary issues and subsequently enhance our capacity to develop better strategies and agenda. We hope this will benefit policymakers, administrators, educators, political leaders, professionals, and everyday people of Nepal as it invites people from all walks of life to engage in critical-creative-conversation (CCC) in Nepal’s national and international issues that are long overdue.

Speaking of the current transitioning Nepal, it has to be understood that within our unified strength of geo-political, cultural, and ethnic diversity, each component of the diversity has to offer unique contribution to the development/reconstruction of Nepal. Also, it has to be addressed how the recent development of decentralized power and economy of the nation and self-governance of the Nepalese people can be envisioned as major shaping forces of future of Nepal and Nepalese people.

Finally, since our organization, NeSA at NMSU consists of aspiring future scholars, leaders, scientists, engineers, educators, and professionals, the symposium also offers a venue for them to share their field-expertise and (co)develop scope-specific and multi-disciplinary knowledge-bases and best practice convergences. The participants, thus, are invited to submit their presentation proposal in any of these two Symposium events.

Welcome to this one-day international conference!

Important Dates
Presentation proposal submission deadline: February 28, 2010
Notification to author(s)/presenter(s): March 7, 2010
Symposium date: March 20, 2010 (9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)
Venue: New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA.
Proceedings Submission Deadline: To be announced.
Proceedings Publication Date: June, 2010

Symposium’s Format & Scope
This is a one-day conference and will be divided into three consecutive events.
All presentations will be awarded a 15-minute period of time. The lunch hour roundtable symposia and the invited speakers will be awarded a 30-minute period of time.
Symposium Event I: 9:00-11:30 Interdisciplinary
Symposium Event II: 11:45-12:00 (Lunch and roundtable talk, panels, posters, etc.)
Symposium Event III: 12:15-5:00 (Common Platform, Keynote address, invited speakers).

The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to, the following areas or topics:
Main categories for Symposium I:
This will be an interdisciplinary academic and professional symposium. This symposium includes, but is not limited to, the following subject areas or topics:

  • Education,
  • Science,
  • Engineering,
  • Health & sports,
  • Economics & business management,
  • Language arts,
  • Information communication technologies,
  • Law, History, etc.
Main categories for Symposia II & III: These symposia cover, but are not limited to, current and emerging aspects of socioeconomic, political, and cultural development issues, challenges, opportunities, and strategies for reconstruction of Nepal.

  • Development of Health and population sector
  • Education & Literacy
  • Science and technology,
  • Socio-economic, geo-political, cultural issues,
  • Governance system of Nepal, etc.
(Please see below for further sub-categorization of topics)
Sub-categories for Symposia II & III:

  • Development of health and education sector
  • Infrastructures (electricity, transportation, communication, irrigation, etc.)
  • Environment and alternative fuels
  • Science, engineering, and technology
  • Development of Information and communication technologies
  • Economic development strategies
  • Socio-political and cultural transformation
  • International relations, geo-politics, and globalization
  • Language, art, and literature
  • Central and local governance, leadership, administration, and law enforcement
  • Human rights, women rights, and minority issues
  • Equity & social justice (Nepalese) constitution, public law, and public policy
  • Foreign employment, brain drain, immigration (international migration)
  • Mainstream, indigenous, and ethnic histories (of Nepal)
Submission Guidelines
Proposal contents: The length of proposal should be between 250-750 words. With a special request to the organizer, however, a presenter can extend his or her proposal up to 1000 words. The reference section will not be counted toward the proposal’s word limit.
No multiple submissions of presentation proposal from a presenter are allowed.
The proposal should clearly indicate:
• what is the core idea(s) or argument(s) of presentation;
• how the ideas and arguments are valid (Grounds of your arguments/ideas, etc.);
• why is it important (e.g. provide a context);
• relevant references.

Procedural Information
• Review Process: A two-member review panel will review the proposal and recommend for acceptance with or without review comments on the proposal.
• Proposal acceptance and rejection: Based on the opinion of the review panel, NeSA’s Research and Academic subcommittee reserves the right to accept or reject the proposals and proceedings papers.
• Registration fee for presentation & Proceedings: No registration fee will be required. BUT all voluntary contributions for conducting the conference are always welcome.
• Audio-visual equipments: AV equipments for PowerPoint presentations will be provided. Any other equipment or arrangement requests must be made at the time of proposal submission.
• Lunch & beverages: A lunch hour refreshment will be served by NeSA-NMSU.

Dissemination of post-symposium proceedings:
Proceedings Contents: A post-conference announcement will be made to revise and submit the accepted presentation proposals to be published in the proceedings. The revised version should arrive to the symposium coordinator by May 15th, 2010.
A detailed guideline will be sent to the authors (presenters) by March 30th, 2010.

Dissemination of the edited proceedings: The conference proceeding will be made digitally available worldwide via NeSA-NMSU’s website at
IMPORTANT: We welcome your suggestions and comments.

Proposals, questions, and requests are to be forwarded/redirected to:

Conference Coordinator,
Binod Gurung

Nepalese Students’ Association,
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM

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